Sermon Summary:
· It’s obvious that we live in a very fallen world and it is equally as obvious that there is little we can do to change the world.
- We have always sought a savior, a messiah, someone to deliver us from this fallen world?
· In the Old Testament, God’s people had hope for a messiah that would be a political and militaristic king that would judge their enemies with mighty power.
· Jesus was weird because he did not fit the normal picture of a messiah.
- Weird interaction: dwelling among us instead of judging us from above.
- Weird entrance: A baby in a manger from a humble lineage.
- Weird lifestyle: A carpenter from a poor family who hung out with sinners and had uneducated disciples.
- Weird Salvation: Instead of gaining power He gave up His power. Instead of taking, He gave. Instead of demanding sacrifice, He sacrificed. Instead of passing judgment, He took the judgment on Himself.
· Why did God have to become and to live like one of us and to die like one of us by our hands?
- For only the one who was both fully human and fully God could pay the price on humanity’s behalf and have it be sufficient to pay the debt.
- Immanuel “God with us”