Sermon Summary:
· It is normal to hate those who mistreat and hurt us. It is part of our fallen, sinful, human nature to retaliate and want to take revenge.
- Normal clearly isn’t working.
· The not normal Christian response to evil is “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.” (Rom 12:17)
· How do we do this?
- As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone (Rom 12:18).
- Do not take revenge but leave it to God (Rom 12:19).
- If your enemy is hungry feed him (Rom 12:20).
- Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21).
· To repay evil with good is one of the hardest tasks in Christian life; therefore we can only do it through the help of the Holy Spirit.
· Why should we do good to others when they do evil to us? Because God first did this for you.
- God responded to our evil with his goodness and love shown to us through our Lord Jesus Christ.
- In light of the gospel we should respond to evil with love and grace.