Sermon Summary
· Normal just isn’t working. So if you want a normal life then it’s simple, just walk the path that normal people do; but if you want an extraordinary life, then walk the path that few people do. (Mat 7:13-14)
· What Jesus’ explanation also shows us is that there is no neutrality. Everyone is walking on one path or the other, and each path is very different and leads to very different places.
- The broad road is easy because it’s the road you were born on and what seems natural and normal to you. However, the narrow road is difficult it takes a tremendous amount of intentional will to get on it.
- What Path are you on?
· Christians are called to be extremely WEIRD, which is quite the opposite of normal. (Galatians 5:13–26)
· We do not act weird to be saved, rather we act weird because we are saved. (Matthew 7:13–20)
- Our weirdness is merely the evidence that we are saved through Jesus.
- How can we claim that we are walking the narrow path that only a few will find if we look totally normal like everyone else?
· We need to be weird in a Jesus kind of way so that others will see the difference in us, but not in a Pharisee kind of way.
· The challenge to us all is to be a lot weirder for Jesus then we currently are.