Sermon Summary:
· Our faith is WEIRD because our God is WEIRD and therefore we are very WEIRD. And that is a wonderful thing!
· The average person sees Christianity as following a list of dos and don’ts and you get rewarded or punished accordingly.
- This is true about every religion in the world. Because religion is defined as man’s attempt to reach God and to us this just seems normal.
· Our faith is WEiRD because it’s different from every man-made religion to ever exist. It’s weird because…
- It’s not humanity reaching out to God but our God reaching out to us.
- It’s not because of what we have done that we are saved but because of what he has done on our behalf.
- It’s not obedience out of fear or guilt but out of true love and appreciation.
- It’s not a religion but a relationship.
· The Old Testament was “normal” but normal wasn’t working so God did something very weird through Jesus.
- The Apostle Paul is the best example of this (Phil 3:3-9).
· God’s grace through Jesus is weird in a good way and in a God way. This is how we know it is God’s truth.