Sermon Summary
- The gospel of grace through Jesus alone is what is emphasized in the next section of Colossians.
- Paul is telling the Colossians to stand firm in the gospel of grace because the people had begun to drift away from it towards a gospel of works.
- We hold many similarities with the Colossians and so we also struggle with drifting towards work righteousness.
- The main cause of this drift is our culture’s influence.
- In our culture you have to pay for everything because nothing is truly free.
- The gospel of grace is absolutely free through Jesus.
- Joy is not having what you want, it’s wanting what you have.
- Instead of feeling bad for all the things you want to be doing but can’t, make a list of all the things you have and give God thanks.
Discussion Questions
1. Have you ever had an experience where you thought something was free but later found out it would cost you something to get it?
2. Read Romans 3:21-24 and Ephesians 2:4-9. What stood out to you in the passages?
a. How do these passages relate or not relate to the sermon this week?
b. How might you apply these passages, or something within these passages, to your daily life?
3. In the message this week it was mentioned that Paul was telling the Colossians to stand firm in the gospel of grace because the people had begun to drift away from it towards a gospel of works.
a. Do you find that you sometimes drift this way? Give some examples to explain.
b. Since our culture is very similar to that of the Colossians, how do you see your culture influencing you to drift away from the gospel of grace?
c. What steps do you take, if any, to fight the drift?