Sermon Summary
- One of the main reasons Paul writes to the Colossians is because there were some false teachers among the people that were misleading the church to believe that Christ was not sufficient.
- In Colossians 1:15-20 Paul sets out to claim the absolute supremacy of Christ; to show that all you need is Jesus because Jesus is all-sufficient for all time.
- Jesus is supreme:
- Jesus is supreme over humankind.
- Jesus is supreme over all creation.
- Jesus is supreme over the present.
- Jesus is supreme over everything.
- Jesus is supremely God.
- Jesus was able to reconcile all things because he was supreme over all things.
- The payment must be equal to the thing being paid for.
- The only one worthy of paying for all sin against God is God himself.
- Jesus is worthy of all our praise for what he has done for us.
Discussion Questions:
1. How has God been growing you during this season?
2. In the message, we're given some illustrations of the vastness of the universe. When you try to imagine the vastness or supremacy of God, what image usually comes to your mind?
3. In the message, it was mentioned that Paul was writing to the Colossians because there were some false teachers among the people that were misleading the church to believe that Christ was not sufficient. Have you witnessed this kind of teaching or thinking elsewhere? Explain.
For yourself, what is that something that you are tempted to think you also need to have on-top-of Jesus?
4. Read Colossians 1:15-20. What statement does Paul make that impacts you the most?