Sermon Summary
- Motherly metaphors are often used in the Bible because there is really no greater picture of care and concern than that of a mother.
- Paul’s love for the Colossian church is like a mother’s love.
- Paul’s honest desire, like any mother, is that his people would grow to full maturity in Christ (Col 1:28).
- Paul mothers the Colossians to maturity by suffering for them (Col 1:24).
- Paul was imprisoned and would be soon killed for preaching the gospel to them.
- Similarly, mothers sacrifice and suffer every day for their children.
- Paul mothers the Colossians to maturity by strenuously contending for them (Col 1:29).
- Paul was contending against the false teachers and philosophies that led them astray from Christ.
- Likewise, mothers protect their children from those things which led them astray and hinder their maturity.
- To do everything they can to bring their child to full maturity in Christ is the task and objective of every Christian parent, just like it was Paul’s desire for his churches. But this requires enabling from God and his assistance (Col 1:29).
- Sometimes all we can do is pray.
Discussion Questions
1. What insight, principle, or observation from this weekend’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.
2. What is the best thing you ever did for your mother on Mother’s Day?
3. Share about a time that your mother protected you or made some sacrifice for you.
4. In the sermon, it was mentioned that motherly metaphors are often used in the Bible because there is really no greater picture of care and concern than that of a mother. What are some examples of this in the Bible?
5. In the message, we saw that Paul suffered and sacrificed to bring the gospel to the Colossians and to see them grow to maturity in Christ. Has anyone ever suffered or sacrificed to see that you come to maturity in Christ? If so, explain.
a. Have you ever suffered or sacrificed to see that another would mature in Christ? If so explain.