Sermon Summary:
· What is a church supposed to do?
· Important to understand the difference between the big “C” Church and the little “c” church.
- Both are called to the mission: “make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:16-20)
- Each little “c” church much discover how they are called to contribute to that mission
- The mission we are called to is “Connecting young families to Christ” § We care about and shepherd everyone § We need everyone to make it work
· How is a church to go about accomplishing the mission?
- By going, baptizing, and teaching to obey (Matt 28:18-20)
- We “go” by connecting OUT to the world
- We “baptize” by connecting IN to the church
- We “teach to obey” by connecting UP to God
· Everyone can help by supporting & getting involved (Heb 13:17)
· We can’t do anything without God (Matt 28:18, 20)
- The mission & method is an empty shell without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit working through it
- Prayer is key to accessing God’s power and bringing fruitfulness